Monday, June 18, 2012

Homemade Tim Tams

So, today (or yesterday) I decided that I should try to make Tim Tams. For those of you that have not discovered these magical treats, they are an Australian biscuit covered in chocolate. To say that they are amazing is an understatement. Pepperidge Farms has made their own version of them but stores carry them very sporadically. So, since Owens birthday is tomorrow and Fathers Day on Sunday, I thought I'd try to make a taste of home....I found a blog from an Aussie woman with her version of homemade Tim Tams. I tried my best to find the closest ingredients I could.

I thought the biscuits would be the hardest to find...but I actually found 2 different kinds at Walmart. The first one looks pretty much the same as the Aussie bloggers:
 I also found this brand, but after tasting it, it had a very gingerbread-y taste. But I tried both anyway.
 I couldn't find any chocolate spread. I say some JIF chocolate hazelnut, but it was like 5 bucks. I had this dark chocolate creme cheese at home. I mixed in some half & half and some powdered sugar. Actually a bit of powdered sugar, since it was dark chocolate I had to sweeten it up a bit. I then had Ava taste test it and she said it was good to go!

 Then I made the sandwiches. Easy!

 I didn't know what kind of chocolate to get for the coating. I decided to use this Cadbury bar, but I think it might be too rich? I ran out anyway so I think I will try something different for the rest.
 I melted it in the microwave and started dipping!
 And there they are! I think it will be a trial and error process to find chocolate that tastes close to the actual Tim Tam.
To cover the rest of them, I mixed some Milka Chocolate (a European brand) and Dove. The Biscoff ones were not good. They tasted too much like gingerbread. But the plain biscuit ones weren't bad. I did need a bit more chocolate in the middle though. Didn't taste too much like a Tim Tam...but still, pretty good for the first try!